Global Equities Growth Portfolios are actively managed portfolios of quality global equities listed on major stock exchanges.

Private Portfolio Managers Pty Limited (PPM) is a boutique investment manager with over 25 years’ experience in building and managing equity portfolios for clients through individually managed accounts (IMAs). Although each IMA portfolio is managed individually and incorporates each clients specific investment parameters and tax requirements, the aggregate characteristics of the Global Equities Growth Portfolios are detailed below.

Key features

  • A portfolio of directly held shares listed on major global exchanges.
  • Selected and managed by PPM using its proven investment process.
  • Risk averse, long term approach.
  • Tax aware, seeking to optimise after tax returns.
  • Concentrated portfolio of high quality companies.
  • Unhedged

Investment Objective & Strategy

  • Outperform MSCI (in $AUD) over an investment cycle.
  • Low long-term volatility.
  • Investment process identifies strong companies and industries. Disciplined approach to valuation.
  • Comprehensive, in depth research into investments.

Investor Profile

PPM’s Global Equities Growth Portfolios are designed for clients who:
  • seek a bespoke Global equities portfolio;
  • want the flexibility of being able to invest cash or transfer into their portfolio existing shares without triggering tax consequences;
  • seek investment growth in a tax effective manner; and
  • have a long term investment horizon of at least five years and accept the risk of price fluctuations during that period.

Investment Parameters*

Management StyleActive
BenchmarkMSCI World Developed
Number of securities20-25
Single security limit*10% of portfolio
Leverage/ ShortingNo
Portfolio Turnover<25% per annum
* Unless otherwise instructed.

Portfolio Profile

InvestmentsInternational equities
Min InvestmentA$500,000
Investment Horizon5 years + with some volatility
Ability to tailor investmentsYes, bespoke IMA
Tax considerationsYes, portfolios tailored to each client’s tax circumstances
Management Fee% of FUM plus GST
Administration & Reporting FeesNone
Advice & Asset Allocation FeesNone
As at 31 January 2025


Global Equities
MSCI World
1 year %37.3028.668.64
3 year % p.a.22.6714.088.59
5 year % p.a.15.4813.671.81
10 year % p.a.11.8813.01-1.13
15 year % p.a.11.8513.24-1.39
Since inception % p.a.11.218.782.43

*Performance returns are before fees and taxes.

Asset Allocation

CASH 12.3%

Sector Allocation

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This website is owned and operated by Private Portfolio Managers Pty Limited (ABN 50 069 865 827 AFSL 241058) (PPM). The information on this website has been provided for general information purposes and must not be construed as investment or professional advice. PPM suggests you consider obtaining professional advice before making any investment decisions. The financial services described do not represent a deposit or a liability and are subject to investment risk including possible loss of income and capital. Neither PPM nor its directors, employees or any associate guarantee the repayment of capital, payment of income or any portfolios performance. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future returns.© Private Portfolio Managers Pty Limited 2024 ABN 50 069 865 827 AFS Licence No. 241058